Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What boredom can do on a Saturday afternoon.

Who wants to put come over and put this back together?

It worked, but it squeaked. Landon's solution...take it apart and find the squeak. It could be a bearing. That is what the internet says, and the internet is never wrong. So, check back tomorrow to see if the bearings that came in the mail today fix the squeak or if I got the overpriced dryer of my dreams because it didn't fix the squeak and now doesn't work at all.

Notice the clothes baskets of laundry sitting there? We are now up to about 10 loads and Carter has one pair of clean pants left.

I have no doubt that Landon can fix it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sure hope it works out for ya. I think that I would opt for a new one; but, that isn't always in the budget.