Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Name Game

Since I've had little help in coming up with a name for this new little boy, I'm throwing some names out there for you to narrow down. I know most of the names don't fit the criteria but you've given me little to work with. Some of the names aren't just names, they represent someone special in our lives...
Henry Andrew - both of my Grandpa's middle names
Hazard Campbell - Ducks Unlimited's biggest advocate
Quaid Andrew - just a name that Kristie picked
Danger - just a name my brother suggested for Carter
Lincoln - might as well stick with presidents
Nixon - more presidents
Houston - my Great Grandfather Wilson's first name
Remly - my Uncle's name, and an odd one at that
Charlie Max - my first doll's name, Max - also my Grandpa's first name, my brother's middle name, and my cousin's first name on the Wilson side
When in doubt, Andrew is a very likely middle name for any other name you might suggest. We already have several Dale's on the Holte side and have already used Landon's middle name for Carter. Louie might be an option for a middle name too. You might have noticed that we have less than 60 days until this child needs a name, so you better get crackin'!


Unknown said...

I vote for Henry Andrew or Henry Max. Can;t believe less than 2 months to go ... yeah!!!

Dave said...

I am sure any name you pick pout will be perfect for the fit.

Landon was a possibility of Auggie

Being born in Aug?? Hmm

BirdLady said...

What happened to Derek?

Krissi said...

I LOVE Lincoln and Houston both.