Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Baby #2's 2010 Hunting Season

When I was 28 weeks pregnant with Carter we went hunting for "just a doe" just to say I went hunting while prego. I had an either species, either sex tag and ended up shooting a little buck that wasn't any bigger than his ears. So, being pregnant for another hunting season, I thought it was only fair that Baby #2 have a hunting picture in his scrapbook. This time I'm 31 weeks 6 days pregnant. This buck was about the same size as Carter's, and in nearly the same location, at the same time of day. Only difference is I used a .243 for Carter's deer and a 7mm for Baby #2s. The last time I shot a gun was when I shot Carter's deer but I was lucky enough to shoot Baby #2's deer right through the vitals at about 150 yards. Carter and Landon were in the truck and Carter didn't seem to mind the gun fire; he says "boom" when asked what a gun says. He was a little unsure about the deer when we got up to it and didn't want to pet it. Which didn't surprise us with this dislike for dirty hands. It was a little chilly for a belly shot with the deer so I just look bundled up instead of pregnant. So now my hunting season is complete. With one elk and three deer in the freezer or at the meat shop, the pressure is off and Landon can go back to enjoying his bird hunting.

1 comment:

Andy said...

Great, you get buck while pregnant and with a little one.... showing me up!