Sunday, August 29, 2010

Landon's Productive Day

Landon decided that today was the day-the day that we (he) would start (again) our bathroom remodel. I already posted the "before" pictures, but here are a couple more.

And here are the "mid-prodject" pictures. Landon started the demolition at about 9:30 this morning, took a break to go Salmon fishing at 12, and started up again at 4 finishing at 5:45. Not a bad days work. I didn't help much-this whole pregnancy thing kept me out of the asbestos filled bathroom. We're not sure what kind of ick there is in the bathroom, but since it was built in 1967 we decided to play it safe and let Landon do the dirty work. There isn't much room for the two of us in there anyway. We still have to take out the tub and shower surround, replace the underlayment with new and do some plumbing work before we get to the fun stuff. If all goes as planned we should have the new tub/shower, sheetrock including everything ready to finish paint, flooring, closet door, and light done after this weekend. Luckily, the plumber lives next door and I have a key to the lumber yard. Wish us luck!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Gender Predicition, Final Test

IF you have patience and IF you have ultrasound body part knowledge you MIGHT be able to see what kind of "Little Bean" we're having. All looks well. Due date is still January 11th. Hint: minutes :36-:55 might help you out.

Monday, August 9, 2010

8/9, 8th Folder, 9th Picutre

Landon took this picture at 6:05 PST in the Vancouver, WA area on May 29, 2009. He was either waiting for or had just gotten on the boat that took him Sturgeon fishing on the Columbia River.
This is what he caught. I'd have to say it was one of his fishing highlights.

Carter Driving the Boat

Turn down the volume because at 40 mph all you hear is the wind. It cracks me up how Carter looks around like he is really driving the boat. Sorry if anyone gets sea sick, but it was a bumpy ride, which Carter also loves.

Sunday Night Fishing

I used to post about hunting and fishing because that is all we did. Then we had Carter and he was all I posted about. Now...we have Carter fishing and hunting to post.
Although Landon is holding the fish, I actually caught it but I chose to let Landon handle it so I didn't have to stink like Lake Trout all night. Unfortunately, this momma didn't survive, so we'll have to eat her.

Carter loves to drive the boat, and prefers if Landon doesn't help him. He checks the depth finder, waves at the other boats, watches what is out ahead of us. He is a spittin' image of his dad.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Gender Prediction, Tests 7,8 & 9

Sleep Position
Pay attention to which way you lay down in bed tonight. If you prefer sleeping on your left side, you'll have a boy. Right side? You're pregnant with a girl.

Mostly left,but occasionally right or back.


Pendulum Test
Dangle a chain with a charm over your palm. If it swings back and forth: boy. In a circle: girl.

Back and forth.


Model Your Hands
"Show me your hands." If you would hold your hands palms up it's a girl. Down? You're having a boy.

Palms up for me.
