Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Baby is Growing Up

What a ham.
This is one of the funniest learning curves by far. He holds the spoon, or fork, by the very end, which makes it really hard to control, and even thougher to get the food in the mouth instead of the eye or nose. He's getting much better though. He can't scoop, partly because we haven't found a suction bowl that stays put (let me know of a good one if you find one)and everything gets pushed around instead of scooped up. It takes a really long time to eat breakfast when I have to use a spoon to put oatmeal on his spoon so he can eat it, because that is how he wants it done.


The Fast Family said...

LOVE his method of feeding himself with the spoon at the very end. So funny! Can you get a video of it??? so ten years from now he can watch himself try!!!!

Krissi said...

After looking at all your updates, I think Walker and Carter would be best buds! Climbing up drawers, using spoons the hard way, getting into EVERYTHING. They would be a whole lotta trouble - but fun to watch! We should plan a playdate...

Unknown said...

LOVE all the new pictures!! He is growing up so fast and such a handsome little fella.