Saturday, February 28, 2009

Someone Please Stop Time!

I can't believe how much our little man has changed in two weeks and how fast that two weeks has gone. He is 6 days old in this picture, one of the few I have with his eyes open. I haven't taken as many pictures as I thought I would, maybe because I'd have to put him down for 2 minutes and go get a camera. I could stay home forever and hold him and kiss him and love on him, probably not too cool when he is 11, but for now that is what our days consist of (besides naps with dad on the couch after Rachel Ray and The Dr.s, you know, male bonding).


BirdLady said...

CUTE! I love him!

Unknown said...

So the saying that you need to enjoy every moment because they change so quickly must be true. As sweet as he looks, I don't blame you for wanting to just sit and hold him. I can't wait to see him in a few weeks.

Rachelle said...

He is such a handsome little sweetheart! Congrats!!!

Krissi said...

So cute Kirst! We missed you at our little reunion, but looks like you had more important things to do - like hold this little munchkin! He's adorable. Enjoy him and spoil him and lay around with him. It's never the same after your first when you've got another child running around!

Momma G. said...

Carter is so very beautiful, I can say now while he is little, then when he is older, he will be handsome!! I am the luckiest Grandma ever, truely blessed!! Kisses and Hugs, Grandma G.