Friday, February 20, 2009

The Moment You've All Been Waiting For

This is Carter David. He was born on Sunday, February 15th at 8:38 am, weighed 7 lbs 10 oz and was 21" long. Labor started Friday night and got really intense on Saturday afternoon. We headed to town Saturday after dinner and by the time we got there my contractions were 4 minutes apart. I thought for sure he'd be a Valentine's Day baby, but he decided to stay put for a few more hours. He would have been born hours earlier but the epidural slowed my contractions down from every 2 minutes to every 15 minutes. Either he is stubborn as can be or I wasn't any good at pushing because after about 30 minutes his heart rate dropped and the doctor wanted him out sooner than later (I heard c-section), so he used the vacuum a bit then I went back to pushing. After 2 hours of pushing and only getting his head out to his ears, the doctor asked if I just wanted him to vacuum him again and pull him out. YES PLEASE! So our precious little boy was not so cute when he came out. He had one heck of a cone head with a huge bruise, but that's why they make baby hats. His head is fine now, just a little red spot and a scratch. We got to come home on Monday at noon, and he slept the whole way home, not one peep. He's been a pretty easy baby so far. We had a little bout of jaundice, but it's clearing up, so no more pumpkin head. These first few days have been busy, but I've been taking lots of pictures and will try to post them soon.


Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the update. He is such a handsome little fella. I can't wait to hold him, when you are here in March. Give him a big hug from us.

BirdLady said...

Cute! I want to visit...

You're coming to grad, right..? I want to play with him...

Krissi said...

He's so darn kissable! Don't you just want to squeeze him to death??? He's SOOO cute! Good work!

Disney Mom said...

I am so excited to follow you on this fun journey of being a new mom! You'll have to post often all the fun new things he does. He is adorable and I think he looks like Landon already.

The Merks said...

Awww what a sweetie pie!! Happy for you:)

Momma G. said...

Your blessing is here! What wonderful parents Carter is blessed with! Dreams do come true, I love all "3" of you! Grandma G.