Saturday, January 24, 2009

Summer Vacation

For those of you who are planning your summer vacations, the Fort Peck Summer Theatre (there's a link somewhere on this page) posted their play schedule, and I hear Fort Peck is a really nice summer vacation spot. There's lots of other stuff to do around Fort Peck besides the summer theatre (there's a link for that kind of stuff somewhere on this page too).

Three Weeks to Go?

Only three weeks to go, give or take two weeks. I think that mostly guarantees a February baby. He can only be born January 31st, February 7th, or February 14th. The 31st because that's my birthday and he'd be the 3rd generation on the Wilson side with a January 31st birthday. My Auntie Anne is the other January 31st baby. February 7th works because in my math nerd brain 02+07=09, and February 14th is just a good day. Don't worry, I'll keep everyone posted as we get closer.

It's Time To Name Our Little Bean

We finally agreed to these seven names, but can't seem to narrow it down any further. I told Landon he could pick the last name and I'd pick the first. That almost worked. He wanted to name him if he was a boy and me to name her if she was a girl, but I wouldn't go for that. So here we are, leaving our little boy's name up to our blog visitors. His middle name has already been decided, Marie, after me. Just kidding. David, it's Landon's middle name. So it has to sound good together, ------ David Holte. If our little bean was a girl her name would have been Eden Marie Holte, no other choices. But, he's a boy and we only have three weeks to decide, so get voting!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Worst Dog in the Whole World

She isn't really. This adorable lab has been sneaking up on the bed at about 5 am. Of course she has to sleep on my side, by my legs. Well, as you can imagine, I'm not all that comfortable while sleeping anyway, so I've been kicking her off and back down to the floor. On this particular morning I kicked her off and went back to sleep until the alarm went off. I got up, took and shower, and headed back to the bedroom for some clothes, only to find Abby on the bed again. This time on my pillow and snuggled in. I think she was trying to tell me something. She finally figured out she doesn't get to sleep on the bed anymore, so now when the alarm goes off she stands next to me and stares until I get up and let her have the bed. They just might be smarter than we give them credit for. We have those "Marley and Me" moments quite frequently, but how can you not love them?

Aaahh, How Cute

I couldn't resist taking this picture. We spent Christmas in Watford City, ND with Landon's side of the family. Landon had a busy morning of ice fishing and Cruz had a busy morning of doing baby things, and they needed an afternoon nap, under the tree. Cruz is already 3 months old and growing like crazy. Our little bean is already getting hand-me-downs from his cousin. Spending Christmas with Cruz just makes the days til we have ours seem longer. Only 6 more weeks though!