Monday, November 10, 2008

How Brave am I?

HEY, No Laughing! Here I am, 26 weeks done. I thought I'd be brave and post "me and my belly" in honor of completing our second trimester. I had an appointment last week and everything looks right on schedule. He's kicking like crazy and apparently growing as well.


Krissi said...

Sorry, I started laughing before I even read "No laughing." You are just so darn cute!!! I LOVE your baby belly! Congrats on 2 semesters down - 1 to go!

Unknown said...

You look great ... just like a very happy Mama to be!! Only a few months to go. Thanks for sharing the photo.

Unknown said...

Kirsten, you sure are looking preggers. But it is a great look on you.

Disney Mom said...

you are so cute! I love pregnant bellies!

Momma G. said...

I love this picture, you are just glowing, that tummy looks wonderful and love the glow you have honey. Luv ya.

BirdLady said...

You look fantastic! How are you guys doing??