Friday, September 5, 2008

The Moment You've All Been Waiting For

Finally, I have a reason to post (besides hunting or fishing). Yes, I am indeed prego. The little "bean" is 16 weeks 6 days old today. I'm due February 14, 2009, or any other day two weeks before or two weeks after that date. These ultrasound pictures are from week 8 and not the clearest. My next appointment is October 3rd. Until then I'm looking for wives tales for determining the sex, so if you have one, post it. We haven't decided if we're finding out what the "bean" is, so if you have a prediction, post it.


Krissi said...

Yippy!!! I'm so excited for you guys and to officially hear the news! I think it would be hilarious to see you two with a super duper girly-girl. I can just see her wearing a tutu, dress up high heals, holding her Daddy's hand, with a fishing pole over her shoulder. :-) Congrats!

Unknown said...

I am so excited for you two. I can't wait to see little Henry or Eden. The pictures are very cool. Keep us posted.
Congrats!! :0)

Unknown said...

Congrats on your new addition! The pics are awesome. Make sure you let us know when you know what you are having. You should know in another 2 to 4 weeks! YEAH!

Disney Mom said...

Kirst, I am so excited for you! I love to see all your outdoorsy pics and now they will get to have a cute little baby in them! I'm sure you had to plan this around hunting season, as I did too! Cali hit right in between archery and Matt's late deer tag up in Idaho so we lucked out! He did go to his deer hunt when Cali was 6 days old though. I only let him because my mom was here to help me. Anyway, as far as predictions go, whatever I 'wanted' I always got the other gender, but none of the so called methods of predicting the sex have ever been accurate for me. And, you HAVE to find out what it is! Ok, so you don't have to, but I do so that I can prepare with the room and clothes and all that stuff because I wanted my boy to be "boy" and my girl stuff to be "girly," not all neutral looking. Oh, I just can't wait to see him or her!

BirdLady said...

YAY! Congratulations Kirsten and Landon!! :) I can't wait!

Paula's due soon, too..

:D Keep in touch..