Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Very Merry UnBirthday to Henry

Our little man is 6 months old! This picture was taken two days shy of 6 months. I haven't been doing monthly blogs but thought I could at least manage to document his UnBirthday.
At 6 months old Henry...
has 0 teeth, not even one trying to come up
can sit up by himself but loses his balance anytime Carter comes blazin' by
really enjoys and is eager to eat the first 2 bites of cereal, then it takes quite a bit of coaxing to get him to even open his mouth, which is why we are back to breast milk only
is working on army crawling (mastered yesterday at 6 months 4 days old)
loves showers with Dad
has Mom trained for 3 am feedings (wasn't a problem with Carter...Can I get a full nights sleep, please! Little does he know that is all about to change)
loves to sleep with his snugly blanket on his face
poops every 4-5 days
easily entertains himself
dislikes gnats, bear-like growling, and duck calls
loves to watch the work kittens instead of nursing
likes to "wrestle" with his brother

We are blessed more than we could have ever imagined with our boys. I can't wait to see what the next 6 months brings.

Henry Army Crawling

It is a little grainy because I took it with my camera, but here is a short video of Henry scooting about 5 feet. He's really mastered the army crawl the last 2 days. He was just crawling when he was mad and looking for me, crawling out of frustration. As you can see, he's on the move. Time for a new baby gate. I'll post again later with the rest of Henry's six month milestones.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Henry's Newest Trick

How has this kid grown so fast?! Henry can sit up by himself for a few minutes at a time. The reason it is only for a few minutes is because that is as long as Carter stays put in one spot. As soon as Carter moves onto something else Henry turns his head to watch and ends up doing a faceplant. He's trying his hardest to follow Carter but doesn't get very far. He does surprise me every once in awhile when I leave him on the floor for a few minutes and come back to find him 5' from where I left him.

More Fishing

Carter can't get enough. All day long I get to hear about fishing, boats, Daddy, swimming Abby, worms...

Most nights lately Landon and Carter have gone fishing while I spend quality time trying to teach Henry to sit up by himself. I never know where they go but I do know that Daddy is Carter's best friend, Abby is Carter's best friend, Carter is Daddy's best friend, Abby is Daddy's best friend. Thanks for a great picture Dave!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Carter's Big Catch