Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Busy Busy Boy

Carter loves to play outside. He brings us his shoes and coat and hat when he wants to go out. I've put locks on both of the gates and we haven't caught him climbing the fence yet, so he's pretty much on his own in the backyard. He plays in Abby's kennel and water dish. Walks along the fence when the neighbors are mowing, tears the clothes off the line, tries to get into the garden, gets into the flower bets...but one day I lost him. I searched the backyard and house (not panicking because we live where we live)only to find him...
hiding in the entertainment center.

May 2010

I think he just might be the cutest sleeping baby I've ever seen.
I leave Daddy alone with Carter for 20 minutes, and this is what happens. Of course it was our last box of wipes. I have to bite my tongue every time I need one because Landon didn't take the time to fold them neatly when he put them back-they are all wadded and mushed into the container.
When Carter is bad we make him do chores. I have several flower beds that need weeding and watering and a yard that needs mowing about twice a week.
We went to Billings for Mother's Day again this year. The trip down was great, home, not so much. Carter was only content if he had every book, toy, and blanket we had with us on his lap; and the bag we carried it in too.

The 20 Minute Babysitter

Note to self: Buy kleenex EVERY time you go to the grocery store. The boxes will occupy a 15 month old long enough for you to put away the groceries.