Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Henry and Fashion, Not in the Same Sentence

 I couldn't wait for the flash to charge so this picture is a little dark.  It seems like most days I have to take the picture NOW without a flash or risk losing the opportunity altogether.
I just hope that as his taste in fashion changes, it changes to include pants.

ND Fun

We got to meet Collins for the first time, and Carter really liked her.  So much that he said we should get a baby. 
We road in the bobcat...
We road snowmobiles and 4 wheelers (Henry was really mad when we were done)...
 We played hockey in Papa Mike's shop...
And we had rides on the dolly...
that led to...
The boys don't normally fall asleep anywhere other than their beds or their car seats, so this is a first for us.  He slept on the dolly for about half an hour.  Long enough that we just propped him up and left him...
until Grandma felt sorry for him and picked him up.

Carter Turns 4!

How can he possibly be 4 years old?  It seems like just yesterday we were spending our Valentine's Day with Dr. Bell at FMDH waiting for this little man...
And now we have this little man...
 patiently waiting to open his presents.
 Carter even shared with Henry. 
Then we hit the road to ND, BORING!  We celebrated Carter's Birthday with cake and more gifts when we got to ND, but I didn't get any pictures.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Family Ice Fishing Day

Yesterday the Glasgow/Fort Peck Walleye's Unlimited, Montana Fish Wildlife & Parks, and the Glasgow Chamber sponsored a kids fishing day at Home Run Pond in Glasgow.  They had holes pre-drilled for us, fishing poles and bait, and hot cocoa and hot dogs for lunch.  I should have taken a picture of all the families out for the day;  I suppose they had about 60 kids.  Some new friends of ours from California came out for awhile too.  They have two boys, Wheeler, 3 and Gunner, 19 months.
Henry's first time ice fishing and his first fish, a little perch. 
Waiting for a fish to jump out of the hole with our friends Jeff and Wheeler.  It was Wheeler's first time ice fishing and he even caught a few fish.
Henry is pretty good at helping jig. 
And of course taking a break for a snack.  It's what Henry does best. 

The morning started out cold and foggy but by lunch it was warm and sunny, a prefect day on the ice with our family.

Dance Party!

Wow, these moves are really going to take them somewhere someday.  Watch out Channing Tatum!