Thursday, May 3, 2012

Carter Shaving

I know there are a lot of pictures to this post.  But is important to post all of them so you get how serious shaving is at our house.  Carter got a shaving kit for his birthday and he saves about once a week.

Sometimes he shaves in the shower, but he's such a neat freak that I don't worry about the mess he'll make if he shaves at the sink.  Lately he's been shaving on Thursday or Friday nights so that he is all cleaned up when his 'girltwend', Avery, comes home for the weekend.  (Avery is the neighbors daughter in law).  It is very important that I tell Avery that he shaved if I talk to her before he does.  

The Boys

Cowboy Carter on his horse with his cowboy hat and cowboy sandals.
Henry finally learned how to climb up onto the couch so he thinks he's pretty hot stuff now.

Another Weekend (or 4 year) Project

April 7, 2008
We decided to cut down this cottonwood because it made a mess out of the backyard with all those sticky yellow pods.  Abby's kennel was right next to it and she would be covered with pods every spring.  Four years later Landon decided he needed a weekend project and started cutting out the stump; which at the top was about 2' across.  As most of you know, just because the stump is 2' across doesn't mean that the roots are only 2' across.  The hole was about 8' across and 2' deep.  It took more than a weekend but he got it done.  Luckily we haven't had much rain this spring and he got the hole filled in before it became too much of a mess.  
April 15, 2012