Sunday, April 15, 2012

Henry Easter Egg Dyeing

 We went to Watford City for Easter this year and Grandma Karen was a little excited about dyeing eggs.  Three boys had four dye kits and 3 dozen eggs to dye.  Henry started fully clothed.  I'm not sure who gave him a glass mug and a metal spoon but wasn't long before the cup was chipped and the dye spilled all over Landon.  Then Henry tried blue.
After the egg was finished dyeing he decided to mush it a bit...
or a lot.  He is definitely a destructive little boy.  This was his last egg.
Done and ready for a bath.

Easter Egg Dyeing, Round 1

 On the Thursday before Easter, while Henry was napping, we invited Carolyn over to dye Easter Eggs.  Knowing that we'd have more to dye in Watford City I decided we would only dye a dozen.  My neat freak stayed pretty clean and only spilled a little.
 Carter with the finished product.
Carter and Carolyn.  
Carolyn is Carter's go to gal.  She is our next door neighbor and he absolutely adores her.  She and her husband, Dave, have two grown boys, Leif and Lars, 24ish and 22ish, who both live out of town.  Carolyn fell in love with the boys almost as soon as we brought them home.  They are usually the first ones to see new haircuts, new boots, booboos, pet worms, etc. and can always be counted on to watch the boys, whether planned in advance or at the last minute.  Carolyn stayed with Carter when I went into labor with Henry.  She even called the hospital at 4 am to check on us (we were sound asleep with our 4 hour old little man).  Anytime I make cookies Carter has to take some over and visit which usually ends up with him eating the next meal over there.  It isn't uncommon for me to go over to pick him up and find him sitting on the counter eating snack mix or dried apricots.  He'll eat anything Carolyn makes and is always on his best behavior when he is visiting (so she says, I have my doubts some days though).  They do manicures together, Carter helps Dave clean the boat or the garage, he helps water Carolyn's flowers, they read books, play with toys, look at pictures from their trip to Hawaii, tell fishing stories...Carter and Henry are even the ring bearers in Leif and Avery's wedding in June.  I'm fairly certain I won't have to look very far if Carter ever runs away; I'm sure he'll be at the Sorensen's.  We are blessed to have such wonderful people for neighbors.  I just hope that someday Carter really understands and appreciates what a special lady Carolyn is.