Saturday, November 19, 2011

Carter's Day in Town

This morning Carter was a little on the wild side. I was planning on going to work for a couple hours and then hitting the grocery stores and getting back home by 12. Jokingly, Landon asked Carter if he wanted to go to work with me and play with the kitties. I asked Carter if he'd rather stay home and build "tent forts" with his Dad. Work and the kitties won so it was to town we went. The last time Carter was in town was in August, and that was just for a minute; so going to town is a big deal. Carter is mostly potty trained but I figured I had to pack a bag just in case because if I didn't he'd have an accident, the first in weeks. And pack a snack, and the toilet seat topper for little ones, and my grocery list, and my coupons, and my "save the earth" cloth grocery bags, and my bag, and my checkbook, and my coveralls in case we have a flat tire, and bibs for Carter in case we have a flat tire (it is only 6 degrees today, and snowing), and Mr. Potato Head, and...30 minutes later we're ready to head to town. I worked for a little over an hour while Carter played with the kitties, played with Henry's work toys, wandered around the lumber yard, and ate about a pound of chocolate and candy canes with "Uncle" Mark. Then we went to the first grocery store. Then we went to...
See Santa!
Carter snuggled right up to Santa and told him that he wanted a tractor, which I'm sure Santa can take care of for him. Every year Santa comes to Farm Equipment Sales, the local John Deere dealer, for a couple hours for pictures. We've never been to FES to see Santa, we always wait until it is closer to Christmas and go see him at Pehlke's Furniture. I figured since Carter was in town with me we'd go see Santa early, a special treat for his special day with Mom. Henry will have to wait to see Santa at Pehlke's (I was not neglecting Henry, but I refuse to drive back into town and pay another $14.99 for a picture of Henry and Santa). After Santa we met Cindy for lunch at Subway and then hit the other grocery store and headed home. It wasn't a very exciting trip into town, but it was a great day for Carter.