Sunday, December 19, 2010

I thought I'd better post some December pictures before January gets here since Carter will be neglected as soon as we bring the baby home. We all but finished the bathroom one evening last week. We finally hung the mirror and towel ring and re-centered the faucet. I still have touch up painting to do, but it's not on the top of my TO DO list. Carter is so helpful as you can see. I know Landon just loves Carter's "help".

We called Grandma one night while Dad was in town processing game. I talked to her, Carter talked to her, and even Abby got to talk to Grandma, although I'm not sure Grandma knew she was talking to Abby (for several minutes).
Mini muffins are a big hit at our house and Carter is quite the baker. I'm not sure if you can really tell, but he was testing the muffins with a toothpick; every one of them. Like I said, he's a big help.
We tried very hard (about 50 pictures very hard) to get a good picture in front of the lit but very bare Christmas Tree. It wasn't until we loaded Carter up with clothespins that he finally sat long enough to get an ok picture. He is a candid kid, not a poser.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Innocent Carter

I walked into the kitchen the other day to find...This chair; not quite empty, but not occupied by a little boy.
This on the stove...
This on the chair...
And this little boy holding a ziplock with the two remaining mini loaves of bread that haven't been bitten into. Carter has figured out that he can get a chair into the kitchen and to the cabinets and that will put anything on the counter within reach. And if he can't reach whatever it is that he is after...he'll just climb up ONTO the counter. I have since removed EVERYTHING from the counter. The top of our fridge is a bit crowded now though.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Carter's Big Boy Room

In November my Mom came up to help move Carter from his little boy room to his big boy room. We shampooed the carpet, painted, and altered the length of the curtains so that I wouldn't find Tarzan swinging from them. I still need to get something on the walls, but the room is mostly finished. He didn't have any trouble with the switch and seems to like his new room. He slept on the mattress on the floor for about 2 weeks until we picked up the bed in Billings over Thanksgiving. Don't worry moms, there is a rail so he won't fall out, I just moved it for the picture.