Thursday, April 29, 2010

Easter 2010

We went to Watford City for Easter again this year. Carter and Cruz got to dye Easter Eggs and their bellies and hands. It was messy, but I think the manufacturers make the dye easier to clean up than they did when we were kids. They had a good time and it only took two baths to get the dye off.

Carter isn't a very good egg collector. I had to help him get his single egg into his bucket. He was very giving though, putting eggs in everyone else's baskets. At the end they trade in their eggs for a goody bag full of candy that I got to eat.

No, he doesn't have blue eyes, he has black eyes

This is the current black eye. Carter thinks he needs to play on all stairs. Most of the houses in our area have concrete steps to the front door and Carter decided to summer sault down Carlson's. He had on sunglasses that smashed into his cheek causing this black eye. The scab on his forehead is from the concrete. He cried a bit and then got back up and headed back to the steps.

These black eyes are from mid-March, a day apart. The one above his eye came from standing up backward on a kids adriondack chair and leaning too far over the back, right into the corner of the wall. The black eye under his eye came from a fall, but we don't know what happened. He was home alone when he got that one. You can't see it in this picture, but he had another black and blue mark above his other eye.