Sunday, December 13, 2009

4 Generations

The weekend before Thanksgiving Carter and I made a quick trip to Billings. We didn't get a 4 generation picture when Carter was born, but we have one now. Grandma Ash, Grandma Penney, me, and Carter.

November 2009

Carter can't be confined at work. He needs to be able to get around easily to fix "things".

My little man was a little vampire for a few weeks. The Doc said it could be hereditary, but neither Landon nor I had our teeth come in like that. We've always said he's special. I guess he'll do everything he can to continue proving that.

I know this isn't the best picture, but there is a story behind it. Do you see that door next to Carter? Well it's an outswing door to the pink bathroom at work. And can you see the hallway is only 3' wide? Well, if you go into the bathroom and a certain someone sees you go into the bathroom, that said person will follow you. Yep, I got locked in the bathroom. I couldn't even get my hand out enough to move him. Of course the more you talk to Carter the more interested in the door he becomes. So I sat, quietly, in the bathroom for about 5 minutes waiting for him to move. Luckily the phone didn't ring. At least if a customer came in they could've gotten me out of my pickle. We now have a rock that goes in the middle of the hallway to keep Carter from following us.

We went to Watford City, ND for Thanksgiving with Landon's Mom and Mike, and also made a quick trip to Velva to see Grandpa Holte and Grandpa Dave. Grandpa Dave was heading to American Samoa after Thanksgiving and we wanted to see him before he left. I'll have to post the story on that next time.