Tuesday, August 25, 2009

April 2009

In April we went to Watford City for Easter. Carter got to spend time with his cousin, Cruz, who is 5 months older. Carter didn't seem to care. Notice Cruz's cute Easter outfit and Carter's fall colored outfit. Cruz was born in September and Cruz' fall clothes became Carter's spring clothes. He didn't care. We had Carter baptized at the end of April in the Fort Peck Luthern Church, the only church in Fort Peck.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

March 2009

We took our first road trip, besides the 20 miles into town, in March. Landon had to work in Billings for a week so we went with him. My Aunt Kathie and her daughter-in-laws, aka my cousins wives, threw a shower for us at my Grandma Ash's, kids included. One of the little guys, Cash (I think he's about 3), came in while I was nursing Carter to see what I was doing. I told him I was feeding Carter and he said, "oh, giving him a bottle". Not knowing how to explain nursing, and not being at all covered up, I said, to the farm kid, "no, like a mama cow feeds her calf." He was fine with that and left. He came back in a couple minutes later with Levi, Lauren, Karson, Kadence, and Brandon to show them and said "see, she feeds him like a mama cow feeds her calf". It was so cute, and comical.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

More Super Tiny Carter

He must really be concentrating on getting that pacifier back into his mouth.

I was trying to get a smile from him. Pretty good for being 3 weeks old.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Really Old Pictures

I thought I'd get some comments on posting another fishing picture instead of a Carter picture, but it appears that people have quit checking the blog. My July 31st resolution was/is to post at least once a week, including what I've missed in the past 6 months. So here you go. I think these were taken in early March (2-3 weeks old).

OOOHHHHH, please don't wake me.