Friday, July 31, 2009

Landon's Big Fish

They had to catch their bait first (shad). Pretty ugly bait but the sturgeon like it.

This is the biggest fish of Landon's life. At the end of May we went to Portland/Vancouver and Seattle for my cousin's wedding. Landon went on a charter boat fishing for white sturgeon (similar to but not the same as the pallid sturgeon that he works with) on the Columbia River. He caught two big ones and a little one. The big ones were 8 1/2 feet and 9 1/2 feet and somewhere around 400 pounds. They couldn't bring them into the boat because they're too big, but I think you get the picture. He didn't get to keep them either. They only keep the medium size (4') fish. As you can imagine, he was pretty excited about it. I'm sure he'll do another fishing trip next time we're out there.