Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Our "Little Bean" on October 3rd, 2008

As if you could tell what this is, but it is a picture of our little bean who just happens to be a little boy. He's still due February 14th, and weighs 1 pound. The ultrasound was last Friday, and we got to see fingers, toes, organs, a spine, and all the other parts that the doctor could identify but just look like a face to me. I've watched the video four times now, and I'm still in disbelief. I think I can feel him moving, or my guts have a mind of their own. It'll set in after the nursery is done. Right now the room is completely empty (we just had carpet laid, pictures later). All the old wives tales predicted a girl and out of frustration, I finally quit doing them. According to them we had a 93% chance of having a girl. That's the last time I try that for predicting the sex.