Wednesday, August 20, 2008

More Fishing Of Course

You might wonder why I put a picture of Landon swimming on our blog. You may also notice he is swimming with a shirt on. What you can't see is why he is swimming. He is swimming because Mike tried to net a fish and he needed to extent the handle to reach it. Well, the net didn't click together right and the net end went flying into the water. It is aluminum and was starting to sink. It was such chaos in the boat that Landon, not willing to lose a net, jumped in after it. The water was about 70 degrees-cold enough that I would have had to buy a new net. It's always comical to me what he will do for one of his fishing things. Last year Mike even went scuba diving for a rod Landon and his dad, Dave, lost in a tournament. Now that's dedication.
Landon's mom, Karen, and Mike came over for a weekend o' fun. We went to the play and went fishing. Landon let us catch all the fish, these two at the same time (they're lake trout for those of you who haven't educated yourselves with the previous fish identifying post). Don't worry, both of the fish lived. We only kept one out of the five to eat.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Too Lazy to Find a Bigger Patch of Shade

I had to take this picture of Mesa. She had been laying in the front yard most of the day, moving with the shade of the teeny tiny tree. If she would have just moved to the north about 20 feet she'd have been in the shade the whole day-without moving. Or she could have moved to the shade in the back yard, or to the other side of the house with shade from the neighbors tree. She just has to be in the front where she can see everything that is going on. It think it was about 90 degrees that day, which normally she likes and would lay on the black rug on the front steps. Dogs sure do wierd things.