Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My Very Thoughtful Husband

My husband, by all accounts, is a 27 year old adult. He is responsible, dependable, honest, dedicated, and mostly recently he has let his thoughtfulness shine through. Why, just last night as we were sitting at the table, waiting for the dishes to do themselves, he tells me that there are frogs in the tupperware in his lunch box. He found them at work. WHAT POSSESS' A GROWN MAN TO BRING HOME FROGS IN HIS LUNCH BOX? I'll tell you what-fishing. At least he was thoughtful enough to tell me they were in there BEFORE I started doing dishes and found them myself. Thankfully, he took the frogs and Abby and left before they got loose. He will most likely bring more frogs home tonight-there is a catfish tournament on Saturday night and frogs make good bait. If all his fishing and hunting wasn't putting meat on our table, I would have gone crazy by now. All I can do is shake my head and hope these "lessons" help me when we have kids.