Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Little Bit About Fort Peck

This is the spillway, in case the lake it too full. It hasn't been opened since 1997. It flows down into the Missouri River.
These are the power houses. There are two that supply electricty to the southern United States, not all of it obviously.
This is the lake side of the dam. The water level is pretty low, the lowest it's been in years. This picture was taken from the road on top of the dam. The water level has been right up to the rocks at the bottom of the picture in years past. From the picture, the power houses are behind and to the left and the town of Fort Peck is right behind.
There is a wildlife refuge across the road from us. There are about a dozen each of elk and bison. Most mornings and evenings they come up on top to show off. We can see them from our front porch when they aren't bedded down in the trees.
Sometimes it gets hot, really hot. This is in our living room in about the middle of July. Obviously we don't have central air yet.
The town doesn't have a police officer anymore, but in the summer we have Harold. He watches out for speeding tourists. I guess the "POL" fell off.

The Hunting Never Stops

When it isn't hunting season, it's fishing season, but on the off chance the weather doesn't permit either, out come the DVD's. Abby is just as addicted to hunting as Landon.

More Abby

We really aren't such bad parents that we don't give our dogs beds-Abby just gets creative when she's looking for a place to sleep. We didn't have any straw bails yet and after a long day of duck hunting Abby needed a warm bed for a quick nap. Luckily, we hadn't finished the raking yet. I felt sorry for her and she got to come in even though she was wet.